Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This Weekend's Dog Sledding Adventures

Hallloooo in there. Anyone home?

Sammamish is now 9 weeks old. He survived two Maryland Sled Dog Adventures LLC Girl Scout dog sledding programs this past weekend and received tons of attention. While out on the trail, Sammi also met horses, bicyclists, leashed dogs, tons of new people, and took his first ride in his dog box on the truck. He also screamed like crazy when the big sled dogs got to run and he had to stay behind. Here are a few photos we took this past weekend.

These girl scouts are "lead dogs" and are demonstrating "line out."

Girl Scouts meeting visiting sled dogs, Gypsy and Luke

Wheel dog, Okemo, meets two new Girl Scouts

Of course, Sammamish was a big hit with the Girl Scouts

Sammamish exploring the back yard and the (depleted) wood pile