Friday, August 27, 2010

The Garden is Flourishing

One day's harvest from a 4 ft by 3 ft bed

The dog yard gardens here at Maryland Sled Dog Adventures don't seem to have suffered much in our absence.

As you can see in the photos they are productive...almost too productive. We're now keeping busy canning and putting up lots of tomato sauce. We're having a great harvest of Early Girl tomatoes but our Brandywine tomatoes are a bit disappointing. Many have rotted on the vine and also the productivity has been low. Next year, we may look at a different heirloom variety despite the rave reviews that Brandywines seem to get in this area. We're hoping they will kick it up a notch now that it's late August and into early September.

The peppers are making up for any Brandywine tomato disappointment and are literally the largest and most prolific peppers that Eric and I have ever grown. We planted one bell pepper, one cayenne pepper, one jalapeno pepper, one mexi bell pepper, and one Giant Marconi. All are producing in abundance and the Giant Marconi (a sweet pepper) is HUGE. We've also harvested several Ichiban eggplants from our one eggplant plant and tons of herbs. Earlier in the season we had a great shallot harvest. Our gardens may be small but they are productive.

Some of the harvest

Giant Marconi Peppers, Cayennes, Mexi Bell, and Ichiban eggplant