Learning all about sled dogs at the
Martinsburg, WV Library
On Saturday, May 15
th, Eric and I along with sled dogs,
Sobo and Acadia, paid a visit to the
Martinsburg, West Virginia public library in
Martinsburg, WV to give a presentation on dog sledding.

Discussing the parts of the dog sled
The library patrons had lots of great questions and the kids really enjoyed playing with the sled dogs. In fact, we were so busy answering questions that we didn't get too many pictures of this event.
Sobo received lots of attention from the younger library patrons

As you can see,
Sobo is non plussed by all of the action around him
This is the second dog sledding presentation that we've done for area libraries and both have been really fun. The first was at the Duncan Library in Alexandria Virginia. Photos from that event along with several of our other on site events are available

Sobo models his x-back harness for members of the audience.