Happy Anniversary!
Eric and I have been married for five years. Three of the
Maryland Sled Dog Adventures sled
dogs (Zoe, T-Bone and
Sobo) were participants in our wedding on the Eastern Shore of Maryland five years ago. Since the wedding, we've added
Okemo and
Acadia. During the past five years we've done a lot both together and individually: I left the practice of law at
DLA Piper; we started our own business,
Maryland Sled Dog Adventures LLC; Eric made tenure and was promoted to Associate Professor at the
University of Delaware; we almost moved to Minnesota; and we purchased a cabin in Maine. What's next? Who knows, but as long as I have my "sweetie," I know we will make it through it. I love you sweetie.

On the dock right before our wedding

T-Bone was the honorary best man
Sobo thought my bouquet might be tasty

The three dogs that were in the wedding: T-Bone, Zoe and
Eric with T-Bone,
Sobo, and Zoe in
Lubec, Maine (August 08)

The team in January 2005
Okemo was adopted in February 2006

Okemo hides in the grass after a swim

Acadia joined the family in August 2008

Acadia December 2009

The team in February 2010

The team in
Farmington, Maine (February 2010)

Eric in June 2005 at our wedding

Eric (February 2010) traded in his tux for
Carhartts and a Trans Alaska parka

The cabin (December 2009)