Eric and I along with the whole Maryland Sled Dog Adventures gang are back from a wonderful three days of training the sled dogs in State College, Pennsylvania. The annual Tow Hill Training Session is one of our favorite events of the season. In addition to great training, there is great food (these guys know the true meaning of a pot luck supper), lots of musher socialization, and plenty of time spent hanging out with the sled dogs.
Wheel dog, Okemo, hangs out post run
While at Tow Hill, the team practiced lots of head on passing and lots of over taking passing. There were also ample opportunities for gee/haw and hill training. Tow Hill is also a great opportunity to run with all types of teams ranging from recreational teams to the Alaska circuit's pro caliber teams. This year there were even two awesome brand new trails that really inspired the dogs to run hard.One dog team on an Outlaw rig
Saturday I ran the team approximately five miles and on Sunday Eric ran the team approximately six miles. Afternoons were spent socializing and hanging out. All of the dogs slept on the truck which was good practice for little puppy monster Sammamish.
Headlamps are great except when you are trying to take a photo. Eric driving our five dog team.
Wagon full of pumpkins (and no this was not part of the pot luck supper. I was far too busy stuffing my face at dinner to take any photos!)