Clouds over Fishermans' terminal
Eric and I are once again traveling. Yes, it's another
"Up North" Adventure although this time "up north" refers to the Pacific Northwest, specifically Bellevue and Issaquah, Washington. This time, however, it is without the
Maryland Sled Dog Adventures sled dogs or as we like to think of them, the
sled pets. We've traded in our Carhartts, denim and polar fleece for tuxes, suits and silk bridesmaids' dresses and we're in Bellevue, Washington for my sister, Jenny's,
wedding . The sled pets are spending some time back in Baltimore with their "grand parents."

Eric at Lake Sammamish State Park

Here, fishy, fishy. A "fish eye" view of fishing boats and Fishermans' terminalin Seattle
As some of you might remember, we were in Seattle (and its surrounding suburbs) back in early July for Eric's American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) conference, my sister's wedding shower, and a
boat trip on MV Kiawah to Desolation Sound with my parents. While in Seattle in July, I even got to do some
dog scootering.

In law school they said: If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck...it is probably a duck
Below are a few photographs that Eric took after our walk yesterday at Lake Sammamish State Park (even without the sled dogs along, we like to explore parks and trails) and Eric's jaunt to Fisherman's terminal in Seattle to pick up the MV
Kiawah crew. And for good wedding karma, I've included a couple of photos of the Maryland Sled Dog Adventures' sled dogs participating in our
wedding back in June 2005.

MV Kiawah arriving at Fisherman's terminal in Seattle

Para-sailer at Lake Sammamish State Park

Up, up and away

Clowning around

A lucky horse shoe?

Lead dog, Sobo, and Dorothy (his escort) at our wedding

Honorary best man, T-Bone, and our friend, Twiggy, come down the aisle

Veteran lead dog, Zoe, and our friend, Tara