During the spring, summer and early fall here at Maryland Sled Dog Adventures LLC, we often find ourselves outdoors sharing the outdoor lifestyle with the sled dogs.
Sobo's favorite resting place is under the lilacs
One of our favorite activities is dining out. While most would think of dining out as going out to a restaurant for dinner, to Eric and I, dining out is eating out on the back patio. Of course with five energetic (and hungry) sled dogs, you sometimes have to eat quickly to avoid having your food pilfered by the ever hungry and extremely patient and cunning, Okemo.Eric and Okemo
With the cool temperatures and low humidity that we have had here in central Maryland this summer, we've been eating out even more often than in prior years. And dining out is certainly not limited to dinner. We frequently will eat breakfast, lunch and dinner out on the back patio surrounded by annual and perennial flowers, shrubs, and herbs. Last night we enjoyed a nice dinner of fresh corn on the cob, lobster tails stuffed with crab, and herb laced mashed potatoes. This morning, Eric whipped up a batch of apple cinnamon stuffed pancakes accompanied by maple breakfast sausage and of course plenty of warm maple syrup.