Here at Maryland Sled Dog Adventures LLC, we love puppies but we also recognize that there is a major pet over population issue in this country resulting in the needless euthanization of too many animals each year. As a result, we do not breed, we spay and neuter all of our sled dogs, we are active in rescue, and we support the efforts of our local shelters and humane societies.
If you are thinking you would like to adopt a Siberian Husky, first do all of your research on the breed and understand that they are not the dog for everyone. Siberians can be quite challenging to own and have quite a few endearing and not so endearing qualities. A few of those qualities are: They are never to be off leash; they shed (a lot); they dig; they like to escape; and they have a high prey drive and are frequently not trustworthy with small animals including cats. They are also hugely energetic and a short walk around the block is rarely enough to tire one out. Once you have researched the breed, contact a breed rescue to adopt or research a reputable breeder in your area. If you are in the mid atlantic area (Pennsylvania, Maryland or NJ), we recommend Harnessed to Hope Northern Breed Rescue or Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue. If you are outside of that area, visit the Siberian Husky Club's rescue site to find a rescue in your area.
Acadia in lead next to Zoe at a group fun run at Fair Hill NRMA
Consistent with our aggressive spay/neuter plan here at Maryland Sled Dog Adventures LLC, it was time last week to get our youngest sled dog, eleven month old, Acadia, spayed. Given that Acadia has been running in harness with us for the past six months, we were waiting for our running season to end before we had her spayed. With recent temps approaching an unseasonable ninety plus degrees here in Baltimore, Maryland, our running season is now officially over. This past Wednesday, we made our last run of the season with the dogs. We took only four dogs, Zoe and Acadia in lead, Sobo and Okemo in wheel and ran approximately 6 miles. Having been off for about a week, the dogs performed and ran well. Major skills we worked on were gee over.With the warmer temperatures scheduled to move in, we scheduled Acadia's spay procedure for this past Friday with our vet, Bill Benson at Advanced Veterinary Complex, Inc. Early Friday morning we dropped off Acadia for her spay and a vulva-plasty (a surgery to correct a slightly inverted vulva that Acadia was born with). Acadia returned home late Friday evening and spent Friday and Saturday resting peacefully in her crate. By Sunday she was spending a bit more time out of her crate and by Monday she seemed fully returned to her usual energetic sled dog self. Acadia's not letting either of her incisions slow her down much but she is enjoying the peanut butter treats that we wrap around her antibiotic pill.