In lead, we put Zoe and Acadia. In team, behind Zoe and Acadia we placed T-Bone, and then in wheel, we put Okemo and Sobo.
Heading out, we followed Wart Road to Hiscock except that we had a bit of "musher error" and manged to go past the turn off for Hiscock. Reaching the end of Wart Road, I realized my mistake but with the dogs traveling fast down a steep hill, I was wondering what options I might have available. After getting the team stopped and the snow hook firmly planted, I called "come haw" to my leaders and after only a bit of debate, they came around. Heading back up the steep hill we had just descended, I managed to spot the turn for Hiscock and we turned "haw" onto Hiscock. After turning, I realized that this was going to be a slow go as this portion of Hiscock was barely broken open and heavy with deep and nearly untracked snow. As we slogged through some deep snow on Hiscock, the dogs surprised me by pulling hard, especially our big wheel dogs, Okemo and Sobo. Following Hiscock, we turned "gee" on Bargy and the dogs enjoyed a fast run down Bargy. We turned "gee" again on Hawley and again, I let the dogs run. At Winona, we turned "haw" and followed Winona through it's winding stretch of heavily wooded trail and headed back to the truck. Despite the deep and relatively untracked snow on Hiscock, the dogs did great pulling hard the whole time.
After our dog sledding run, we made a brief stop at Frank and Regina's house to see the one day old Malamute pups that Aspen delivered the prior day, to say goodbye, and then to hit the road headed south back to Maryland, our dog sledding adventure, sadly, over.