On Saturday, it was far too warm and humid to train the Maryland Sled Dog Adventures team so Eric, my sister who is visiting from Seattle, Leslie, and I set off (sadly, without dogs) for a kayaking adventure at the Hammerman Area of Gunpowder Falls State Park.
While Eric and I have kayaked several times including twice on our recent adventures in Maine, Leslie has never kayaked. Arriving at the park, we were glad to see that it was flat calm with little boat traffic. After a short primer on kayaking essentials for Leslie, we settled into our sea kayaks and headed west along the beach towards a water trail we had not explored. Leslie quickly demonstrated that she was a natural.
Along the water trail, she also demonstrated an unnatural fear of bugs when one jumped in her kayak with her and decided to hitch a ride. She did, however, manage to not capsize. All told, we paddled for about an hour and a half and a good time was had by all (even Leslie's bug passenger who was eventually put back in the wilds from which he came).
Leslie kayaking along the water trail

Obligatory photo of sled puppy, Acadia, chewing on her stuffies