Then they gradually turn pink
The view from the guest bedroom: Flowering Lace Cap Hydrangea
Later in the summer as the crab apples ripen, we hope to make crab apple jelly with the crab apples from the tree in our front yard. In prior years the crab apples have been fodder for the deer and rabbits that frequent our yard despite the presence of our sled dogs.The other major indicator that summer has arrived is the vegetable gardens. This year our vegetable gardens seem to be growing a bit slower than in years past. Soon, we are hoping to harvest some yummy veggies including tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers from the vegetable garden.
Ripening crab apples
As we approach the "dog days" of summer, the hostas color the yard with their delicate purple and white flowers. Hostas are prevalent throughout our yard as these plants thrive in shade. The plants we got from one of our neighbors last summer are doing quite well and have huge green foliage with tall purple flowers.