Our Oak Leaf hydrangea is in full bloom.
With unseasonably cool temperatures for the middle of June (which in Maryland means highs in the mid to upper 70s and no humidity), it's hard to believe the first day of summer has arrived. But it has and the signs are everywhere that Summer officially begins after seven this evening. Before you know, it will be early fall and we will begin our sled dogs' training regime to get them ready to run dog sledding tours and rides this coming fall, winter and spring. To check out our Summer dog sledding opportunities and upcoming Fall and Winter dog sledding opportunities visit our

One of our Lace Cap Hydrangeas just beginning to bloom.
Our second Lace Cap hydrangea with buds but no blooms

Bright and showy petunias enliven the dog yard

A vibrant orange Day Lily begins to open near the mailbox.

This edible flower (an herb) is Blue Hyssop

Look hard, there is a tomato in this photo...

Bright pink Impatiens grace the edge of our flagstone patio
Not quite "Red Hot Chili Peppers"

Summer sunlight filters over
SoboZoe alertly watches the summer "action" (i.e., her brothers)

Summer blueberries grace Eric's breakfast cereal