The first issue we faced was how to cross the plowed road that the cabin sits on since this particular trail picks up on the opposite side of the road from the cabin. One option was to head down the Tie trail directly from the cabin, take a "haw" (left) at the end of the tie trail, make a diagonal road crossing, and pick up the Lemon Stream trail. After discussing it, Eric and I discarded this option in favor of the safer albeit more cumbersome and time consuming option of loading the dogs onto the dog truck and taking the truck the couple of hundred feet or so down the cabin road, and parking it directly adjacent to the trail. Since this was our first run, we decided to play it safe.
After positioning the truck adjacent to the trail, Eric hooked up a five dog team of Acadia and Gypsy in lead, Luke in team, and Okemo and Sobo in wheel and headed out for what was to ultimately end up being a 15 mile run with 1800 feet of elevation gain! Along the way, Eric even drew a rough map of the trails and kept track of distances on the interconnecting trails. No easy feat when driving five raring to go sled dogs.
On Friday, we picked up approximately a foot of new snow at the cabin followed by 20-30 MPH winds. Remarkably, we did not lose power during any portion of the storm. As a result, most of Friday was spent shoveling, snow blowing (until the snow blower died. Note: never purchase a Troy Bilt (Tecumseh) snow blower), and hanging out with the sled dogs who were all cuddled up nice and warm inside the cabin.

The offending Tecumseh snow blowing machine is only about five years old and has only blown snow about ten times and now appears to have a broken connecting rod (which is apparently quite common on Troy Bilt/Tecumseh snow blowers)
Blazing fire in the wood stove kept the cabin toasty throughout the storm
T-Bone hangs out in the cabin during the storm
Acadia decides a nap is in order.
Saturday morning, dawned clear and very cold with temperatures slightly below zero. After it warmed up a bit, Eric headed out on the newly fallen snow for a four mile run up the Power Line trail and down the other side of the Power Line trail in the deep powder. Along for this run, was puppy monster, Sammi, who Eric reported pulled hard the whole time while breaking trail though the deep snow. Acadia and Gypsy ran lead, Sammi and Okemo ran in team, and Sobo and Luke ran in wheel. The remainder of Saturday was spent cleaning and packing up the cabin so that we could head home early Sunday morning.
The offending Tecumseh snow blowing machine is only about five years old and has only blown snow about ten times and now appears to have a broken connecting rod (which is apparently quite common on Troy Bilt/Tecumseh snow blowers)