Lovely Wilson Lake in Wilton, Maine
Eric, the mini musher,
Ethan, all six of the
Maryland Sled Dog Adventures sled
dogs, and I enjoyed a fabulous almost four week stay "up ta camp" at our cabin in Starks, Maine. While up in Maine, we visited the Rockland Lobster Festival, the Wilton Blueberry Festival, took a cruise on the Schooner Heron out of Rockport, Maine, shopped in Camden, Maine, and enjoyed many other up north adventures as well.
This was our first month long trip up north with the new mini musher, Ethan, and we could not have scripted better behavior from the little guy. Ethan is a very easy baby who handled the twelve hour drive north quite well, slept through the night the entire time we were up north, and accustomed himself well to visiting Maine's sights and sounds. So without further ado, here are the photos from our wonderful trip up north.

Ethan and Eric in Rockland

Ethan is not the only member of this family who wears a bib

The rigging on the Schooner Heron

Ethan in the Baby Bjorn with Eric ready to explore Rockport.

Ethan's first boat trip

Enjoying the sights and sounds in Rockport, Maine.

Lighthouse in Rockport

Sleepy Ethan with Me in Rockport.

Lead dog, Acadia, decided she could deal with a little rest and relaxation

Ethan enjoys a bird's eye view of Wilton, Maine at the Blueberry Festival

The Blueberry Festival was very exciting for the little guy. Here he is with the giant loon.

Ethan chilling in his swing

Ethan hangs out while lead dog, Acadia, supervises.


Just hanging out in the up north nursery

Showing off his strong neck muscles

Mommy and the mini musher

For the duration of the trip, Sobo could be found sleeping in one of two places: (1) the dog bed or (2) the couch.

Eric and Ethan in Rockport

Lobster buoy

Rockport Lighthouse

Eric, Ethan and Maryland musher, Linda Powers at the Rockland Lobster Festival

The first time Ethan road forward facing in the Baby Bjorn.

Post lobster festival exploration of Rockland harbor

Fellow Maryland musher, Linda Powers, Ethan and I in Rockland at the Lobster Festival