Waterfall at Gulf Hagas

Maine scenery (one of the few hazy days)

One of Maine's highest water falls: Moxie Falls

Maine heat wave!

Through the trees: Cabin in the woods

Eric, Acadia and Zoe at Moxie Falls
Maryland Sled Dog Adventures sled dogs have a new seasonal abode...in
Starks, Maine.
The sled dogs were tired of the heat and humidity that plagues Maryland in the summer and the lack of snow in the winter and purchased a cabin (a camp to all you Mainers out there) up north in Maine. After several whirlwind trips for home inspection, closing, etc., the sled dogs, and their two legged humans,
Eric and Catherine, headed "up ta camp" for the month of August and were able to get down to some serious relaxation.

"Up ta Camp"

Okemo relaxes under the table at the cabin

Eric relaxes at Gulf Hagas

Sobo clearly finds the couch up north quite comfortable

Acadia enjoys resting in the bunk room
While up north, the sled dogs enjoyed swimming at the local swimming holes in
Lemon Stream and at Clearwater Pond (that's a lake for all you non Mainers), visiting several of Maine's great water falls including
Moxie Falls and
Houston Brook Falls, running and playing, visiting fellow mushers at
Critterwoods and
Fort Illio Kennels, long daily walks, hiking
Gulf Hagas, exploring new trails, picking (and eating) blueberries and blackberries, making blackberry jam, reading lots of books, sitting around the camp fire, and just plain relaxin'.
And while much of the time was spent relaxing and vacationing, there were things to be done at the cabin including working on the chain saw, preparing the cabin for winter, and cutting and chopping wood for winter fires in the wood stove.

Acadia and Eric swimming at Houston Brook Falls

Canicross hiking Gulf Hagas with Sobo

The iron works at Katahdin Iron Works

A quick dip in the cold waters of Gulf Hagas

Sobo chose not to swim at Gulf Hagas

Acadia and Eric visiting Houston Brook Falls

Houston Brook Falls

Maine blueberries

Okemo "helps" Eric sort and clean the blueberries
The sled dogs will be returning to Maine this winter to participate in their favorite activity, dog sledding.
Interested in dog sledding in Maine on miles of breathtaking trails? Check out our women's only
Maine Winter Cabin Adventure and email catherine@marylanddogsledding.com to register. More information on our special women's dog sledding adventure is available on our
blog and on our
To sign up for your very own sled dog adventure in Maryland, as always, visit our